Two Widths Random Flooring Pattern
Two Widths Random Flooring Detail
You can look at hundreds of wood flooring patterns and still not be able to decide which one is the perfect one for your house.
The reason for this is simple: you need to compare different patterns on YOUR FLOOR PLAN in order to decide. Trying to picture a certain flooring pattern in your house, most of the time fails.
We all have a tendency to lose objectivity when trying to decide what product would be best for our house.
Most of the time, we tend to set our eyes on the most expensive, most praised product available, not because it works best in our house, but because "everybody seem to like it".
The reality of it is, most of the times the most expensive product, or flooring pattern for that matter, is not the one you should go for.
The flooring pattern you should choose, is the pattern that best fits your home.
Your house is unique, you have your own taste and preferences and, truth being said, if you had the chance to see a pattern in your house prior to deciding, if you had the chance to compare the way that flooring pattern fits your home with the way other patterns fit your home, your decision might be different.
Flooring represents one of the most important parts of a home, in the sense that, along with the paint, has the most drastical impact on the look of every home.
Let me help you make the right choice!
Send me a drawing of your home and I will draw it for you, free of charge, and load it with the flooring of your choice, so you can actualy picture how the floor pattern of your choice will look in your home.
Contact me here, if you want me to help you make this important decision!
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